
The Green house effect

Ford Park had a very tasty hexagonal green house donated just before Christmas last year. I've been putting in the panes of glass over the last couple of days but what a fiasco it turned out to be. Being hexagonal has perhaps made things a trifle difficult.
The roof was fairly straight forward but when it came to doing the walls things got silly. As I wasn't around for the dismantling I had no clue of how it went together. All I could see was that we had lots of square panes of glass, so it would be easy. I started off really well and within an hour I had completed this couple of frames, with a couple of half panes and two full ones.
This instilled a certain confidence that was soon to be brought into question as I tackled the next frame which required three panes.

I put in pane one, then pane two, then pane three. But pane three was at least a centimetre too long. I couldn't figure this, and found myself puzzling, stopping for a smoke, a cuppa tea, try again, another fag. This is very strange, why doesn't it fit. Is it maybe that the frame is twisted, but surely they wouldn't make a greenhouse with such precision.
That was on Friday, and on Monday I tried to figure it out again. I decided to try measuring each of the panes that were stacked in the store. Turned out that I had three different sizes.

A full frame measured 180cm, and although it seemed obvious that 3x 60 would work, what do I do with the others. Maybe they go under the opening windows.
In the end it urns out that one full frame was made up of one 57cm pane, one 61cm pane and lastly one 60cm pane. Who would have thought of that! 178cm

So eventually I had it sorted, although like all flat pack problems I had a few bits left over.
On the way to completion I've broken two panes and there were some broken panes that never made it here in the first place. So I'll have to pop down to the glazier and pick up the missing panes and hopefully tomorrow we'll have it sorted.

Of course had I have measured the panes before I started, then I might have avoided the greenhouse effect.

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