
Stains on our Square

I'll tell you why it's so frustrating trying to get things done. Today I noticed that the new flags around the seating area outside the post office had been badly stained. This is perhaps due to people who sit on that nice stone bench and spill drinks which have caused the flagstones to become a bit of a mess.
I phoned SLDC street cleaning to see if they could come and clean them but the number I had wasn't responding. I got through to a catch all number who said she would pass on my complaint and she gave me an email address. I mailed that address then went down to the SLDC yard in North Lonsdale road but the boss man Bruce was on Holiday and the man that was in the office didn't know anything. He had been drafted in from Kendal to cover for Bruce. I asked about a steam cleaner but drew a blank, I would have to wait till Bruce came back off holiday.
There was also damage to one of the small metal bits on the seat that is there to stop the skaters grinding on the seats. I phoned our clerks office to find out if we owned the seats but our town clerk was on holiday and his secretary was busy with an allotments committee, and could I call back later, later I forgot to phone so I'll try again tomorrow.
Why can't I just get through to one person who says yep, no problem we'll sort it tomorrow. I just don't know if this is a town council job, an SLDC job or a county council job. It may even be a central government job, but it's not my job. I would quite happily do the job if I had a steam cleaner, and as it's my ward I feel sort of responsible, but at least I made a few calls and tried, and I don't get paid to do this trying. Just thought I would put that in so you know.


  1. I can sense your frustration but I think you are in for a hiding to nothing if you start cleaning the paving stones. It is a shame but a fact of life that in this country fluids and chewing gum ruin any new paving. And rubbish abounds with so many take-aways in town. Unless we have laws, and ones which can be enforced, it will continue to mar our environment.
    Even so, maybe those slabs could be cleaned every time the toilets nearby are cleaned? To send someone out each time staining occurs the cost would be horrific.
    You would think shop owners would keep their frontage (and nearby) clear of rubbish. Maybe some do and it would be looking worse if they stopped, but I have not seen it happening. Years ago, even householders cleaned the pavements in front of their homes. A matter of pride. Now there's little pride but lots of prejudice.

  2. Your experience re-enforces a conclusion that makes sense to me.

    The time and emotional energy trying to get this kind of job done is better spent picking up a scrubbing brush, a bucket, filling it with hot water adding Dazz and doing it myself.

    The main thing is that it is certainly a lot more satisfying, uses less of my time and is done within an hour of me deciding it needs doing.

    Videoing the process with the right recorded statement on Youtube can raise the issue successfully with the right people and possibly provoke some future action.

    Certainly has worked wonders for me in both Union Lane over the leaning wall and in The Gill over the churned up setts.

    Lets explore alternative action.

    Lets forget the "I don't get paid for it" tag - Is money that important?

  3. Hey I actually got a reply from a Nick Pearson from the street clean team who said it might come under the highways agency, but he was going to try and get one of those little street sweeping buggies to give it a go. The little pride and lots of prejudice is a cracker of a line Gladys.

  4. Well done you!
    The 'do it yourself' in this situation is okay if you are happy to do it. But it is my experience with these things that resentment can set in once you get taken for granted. A group effort is another matter. I seem to recall a school taking it upon themselves to clear Ladies Walk of dog mess. Brilliant, for a number of reasons too obvious to mention. Group activities such as these, especially involving schools, should be encouraged. A little publicity in the local rag — a big thank you — is all most people need to lift morale.

  5. your blog is difficult as you need an A/C and no provision for annonthessed

  6. annonthessed? Need an A/C, jak I'm afraid I don't understand this comment, please clarify
