
It's not broke so don't fix it

An outbreak of common sense descended upon the council chamber last night. The highways agency wanted to create designated bus clearways in King street and victoria road. One of these was going to be outside the Rose and Crown and the other outside the Red Rose club. Buses already use these two areas to drop off and pick up passengers and have done for years. Sometimes these points have vehicles parked in them and the buses have to stop in the middle of the road therefore holding up the traffic up whilst doing so.
We've put up with this inconvenience and in a way we expect it in our sleepy little market town, but the highways agency want to speed things up, I suppose, and suggested that these clearways would do just that.
They asked for our opinion on the plan and we suggested that they do nothing, we're quite happy with the way things are, we told them to keep their paint in their pots.

It was a breath of fresh air, proposing to do nothing, it's not broke so don't fix it.

1 comment:

  1. Well done.

    From our point of view in Union Lane it was a good night at the Chamber all round.

    By the sound of it Norman was at his concerned best and encouraged our local residents.

    Not sure what Colin Hodgson is up to up Gill Banks.

    We're hoping he comes along and sees the festivities in the Gill on Halloween.

    He's welcome to some hot Mulled Apple Grog and some hot spooky food made by the Gill Witches

    We're having quite a party!

    All invited. Including our councillors.

    The wood is going to look magical with all those 800 candle lights and the flares are quite dramatic.
