I've had a few weeks off since I attended the Council meetings, part due to other stuff going on and part to do with the fact that we haven't met for a while. We've now got ourselves a new mayor, or should that be Mayoress. She introduced an item about disabled parking, which was, I must say, a very valid complaint about us as a council not being informed about charges that have been introduced in SLDC car parks for disabled drivers who now have to pay to park. I was drifting a bit as she has a tendency to mumble but as she was getting worked up and animated about this issue of how we, as a town council, had been ignored I heard her say that 'we're just mushrooms in the cosmos'. At that point I woke up. I hadn't put our Mayoress down as a mushroom type of person, was this the field mushroom or maybe the magic variety, and as she had linked in the cosmos, well I could only assume the latter. Of course what she was trying to say was that the cosmos that is South Lakeland district Council, would I suppose, be represented by one of those big fungi like Giant Polypore, (Meripilus Giganteus) and that Ulverston Town council was simply a not in their league and was but a humble Fairy Parasol, (Coprinus plicatilis). Anyway it got my attention and I'm sure will be a headline in the Evening Mail in the coming days.
On my way home I passed by the Gill car park and happen to notice a bit of A4 tie wrapped to a blue pole in the disabled area of the car park. In about 2 point font it was a legal notice telling disabled people that they will now be charged..
On my way home I passed by the Gill car park and happen to notice a bit of A4 tie wrapped to a blue pole in the disabled area of the car park. In about 2 point font it was a legal notice telling disabled people that they will now be charged..
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