
When I'm 64

When I get older losing my hair many years from now, ......was how the lyric went in the year when I was just 19 years young. Oh what a distant unknowable concept was that, a time I would no doubt never live to see as we were all gonna die before we got old. Grand children on my knee, and holidays in the Isle of Wight, if it wasn't too dear.
So here it is, here is the very day when I'm 64. I've poured myself a glass of pink bubbly, and lit a cuban cigar, vanilla flavoured, and savouring the moment. I've had not one card, but this is the age of facebook, and I've had over 50 happy birthday wishes, and over half from people I actually know.
Have an awesome day, some said, and although I haven't done anything special, today has been a very special day. Today I went to get the result of my blood test which I had been waiting for for just about a week. The test had been arranged to confirm that my operation in November for the removal of my prostate had been a success. I had had to wait these three months to see if the out come was going to be positive, and at about 9am I received the news I'ld been waiting to hear. Your blood test is normal, completely clear, completely normal, not a trace of cancer.
Well you can't get a better birthday present than that can you.
It's been a long three months, always hoping for the best, but fearing that your going to be the one in a thousand where the op fails to cure you. So whoopeee.
So today, at 64 I'm getting ready for new adventures, to sail away into the sunset without the dark cloud of the big C hanging like a hammer. So thank you NHS and here's to many more years.
Ok the cigars and the alcohol may get me in the end but for now I'm enjoying the moment. Happy birthdays have never felt so good.

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